Credential Navigation
ARCO enables you to create Credentials that is associated with a Door, Site and Area access on your system.
A Credential represents some form of identification. The most common form will be the byte representation of raw card data, as scanned by a reader when swiping a card or typing a PIN.
A Credential is unique and can only be associated with one user at a time. The user may, however, have multiple credentials.
Search bar – Enables you to search for specific Credentials. The search bar automatically starts searching after typing at least four characters.
Organisation filter – Click to open and close panels for each organisation.
Credential Card Panel – Displays the complete list of credentials in your organisation.
-> Card Number – Value of the card registered to the credential.
-> Credential Profile – Value of the card registered to the credential.
-> Facility – The Site Facility the credential belongs to.
-> Assigned to – Name of the user who holds the credentials.
-> Status – Displays if the card is Active or Deactivated -
Load More button – Click to display additional available credentials.
When a User is deleted, all assigned Credentials will also be deleted.